The Future of Coaching

A colleague on my list asked the question, what will the future look like for life coaches?

I have some ideas.

As someone who creates information products, I’d like to know if more coaches plan to shift into a more affordable and flexible option for teaching and guiding their clients during this economy shift.

Maybe back away from contracted work expectations and instead (or in addition to), release specific problem-solution centric programs and digital products that meet a short-term need.

For example, a coach could run month-long or season-long program that highlights how to face a life transition. Yes, this is something I’ve written, but I know there’s a need for this kind of support.

The beauty of the coaching industry is you’re not stuck with cookie cutter and boilerplate solutions.

There’s no script that coaches are forced to follow which means you could easily tailor your programs to reflect your own style and the type of client you love working with best.